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Yoga Session

Private Yoga  (Flow, Gentle, Restorative, and Yin
Customized To Your Needs  You can choose exactly how you want to construct your own yoga class in order to accommodate what is most healing for your physical challenges, or injuries. One-on-one sessions can be modified for your needs with props and you can receive hands on adjustments instantaneously to support your unique body!  It is a great way for us to modify poses quickly if you have difficulties/injuries. It is also a faster way to learning what to look out for and avoid because the feedback will be immediate.  You will be able to ask questions and have your instructor's full attention to help you to work around your particular challenges.
Be More Mindful You may find it difficult to quiet your mind and fully relax when you’re in a large class with other people. When you practice privately with an instructor, there are no distractions. That means you can be more focused, and mindful of your breathing and movements.
Work Around Your Schedule Busy schedules are one of the top reasons for people to stop taking care of their physical and mental health. There is always the excuse of “Some day when I have time, then I will…” This can be detrimental to our body; we only have one body. So, we must take great care of it because nothing matters in this world if we don’t feel good. When you work with an instructor privately, your class schedule works on your terms. Instead of struggling to get to your class on time, you can plan your practice to be at home which may reduce the time going back and forth in order to make it to a class; this time, for the right person may equal 2-3 hours.
Small Groups Include your family members and spend quality time with them while you get healthier and at the same time you can bond with them through these healing moments together in the same practice.
Vinyasa Flow
In Sanskrit vinyasa means “to place in a special way,” the flow style class means to links movement to breath, in a moving meditation. Explore Sun Salutations and asanas (postures) that strengthen, stretch, and invite deep relaxation. This well-rounded class will leave you balanced and connected. Gentle, Restorative, Yin Yoga This type of Yoga is a slower pace class usually combining pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. Yin Yoga encourages conscious and mindful movements in order to stretch, and poses held in longer to help release tension wherever your body needs. We all need to slow it down sometimes to treat our mind, body and soul. This class is perfect to wine down for the day. It is suitable for all levels and it is recommended for beginners.
Gentle, Restorative, Yin Yoga
These types of Yoga is a slower pace class usually combining pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. Yin Yoga encourages conscious and mindful movements in order to stretch, and poses held in longer to help release tension wherever your body needs. We all need to slow it down sometimes to treat our mind, body and soul. This class is perfect to wine down for the day. It is suitable for all levels and it is recommended for beginners.
 Pranayama - Breathing Techniques
Pranayama are breathing exercises which sometimes happen at the beginning or end of an yoga class. These practices clear the physical, emotional and energetic obstacles in our body to balance energy and sustain the healthy flow of prana (life energy). Pranayama is not only a mindfulness practice, it helps us in all different ways and supercharge your whole body!
Physical benefits:
-Utilize and strengthens the whole range of our respiratory organs. We explore the lower, middle and upper parts of the breath and regulate the inhalation, retention and exhalation of the breath. 
-Stimulates the parasympathetic system by countering the overstimulation of our bodies while we go through during the “Fight or Flight response.” 
Emotional benefits: 
-Calms or energizes ourselves by changing our breathing patterns. This helps to start or alter our emotional states.
 Different types of Pranayama:
-Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious breath)
-Nadi Shodhana (Alternate nostril breathing)
-Kapalabhati (Skull shining breath)
-Samavritti (Equal breathing)
Mat Pilates is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core muscles while also training your arms and legs. Mat Pilates is based on the original exercises Joseph Pilates developed to strengthen his own body and then began teaching others. Mat Pilates included fun and creative sequence which benefits of any age, body, or fitness level. 
Benefits of Mat Pilates:
  • Building abdominals, lower back muscles, pelvic floor, hips and glutes strength
  • Aid in flexibility and improving posture  
  • Low-impact workout 
  • Pilates burns fat during and after class