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About Us

The modern world is all around us. The technology that is so prevalent leaves little room for metal relief as our phones, tablets, and computers are constantly notifying us of “something”, which while convenient, we may have forgotten how we are truly connected with each other by unseen energy much like gravity that binds us to the ground. While this technologically driven lifestyle not only continue to nudge us every second, our busy urban lifestyle can leave little to no room for ourselves. Maybe you are feeling ungrounded and that you have lost your center?  Obviously, yes! Society and school never taught us how to manage stress and live mindfully. We are taught to toughen up, and get in line like everyone else. These messages and lack of time to stop nurturing yourself can result into emotional distress, and failure to connect with your inner wisdom for spiritual growth.

Growing up in a family with a mother who is a Chinese medical practitioner and wellness teacher, I was heavily influenced by naturopathy and its philosophy, so the east is woven into my upbringing. In the west, while growing up in the melting pot of the United States, I absorbed many different wellness philosophies from all around the world. With a well-rounded view of many different belief systems, I am inspired to integrate the east into the west. It was this inspiration that led me to create new ways of healing and follow a never-ending journey in pursuit of knowledge and healing techniques. My principle approach is to encourage my clients to learn, embrace and embody the natural lifestyle, so they can live a balanced life and to be their own healer.                  



  Well then, here is my story… I started doing yoga when I was completing my Becholor Degree in UC Berkeley. Immediately, I felt fascinated by how yoga can improve one’s health, and this practice is not only beneficial on a physical level, but on a mental level as well. I began to search for more, so I decided to take a journey and went on my own spiritual quest into the isolated jungles of Costa Rica for a month. I was totally immersed in the yogi’s way of life. This is where I trained for my certification as a yoga instructor.   As a certified yoga instructor and holistic hypnotherapist, my passion for helping and healing others had always been prevalent. Along my journey as a healer, I met with all different kinds of clients with totally different needs. It is this experience which broadened my perspective that drove me to further search and pursue other healing methods. It is my compassion for others that drives me to want to help as many people as I can and promote a full-spectrum of health. In order to help others lead a better life, I truly believe that the key is to start with healing all aspects of the human being: the mind, the body, the heart, and the soul. - Alison 



  • 300 Hours - Advance Yoga Teacher Training by Jason Crandell (Curnet - Summer 2020)
  • 50 Hours - Clear Seeing Advance SmartFlow Yoga Teacher Traning by Annie Carpenter
  • 200 Hours - Divine Wisdom Yoga Teacher Training by Lakshmi Rising School for Yoga in Costa Rica
  • 50 Hours - Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 by Flylight Yoga in Bali, Indonesia. 
  • 200 Hours of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Training by HCH Institute
  • 150 Hours of Clinical Hypnotherapist Internship by HCH Institute
  • Reiki Master Teacher Certified by HCH Institute
  • Angel Alchemist Practitioner™
  • Certified CPR, AED, & First Aid | National Health Care Provider Solutions  Valid until 2021

Public Classes:

  • Align Yoga - Pleasant Hill, CA
  • Doux Yoga - Crockett, CA
  • Anytime Fitness - Orinda, CA
  • 24 Hours Fitness - Walnut Creek/Moraga/Concord - CA

*Please CLICK HERE to see all the uploaded Certifications.





Alethea Dawson graduated from Kindness Yoga Teacher Training in Denver Colorado March 2016. She then went to Bali to assist and attend another teacher training in June 2016.

Alethea RYT has also completed other training: 
  • Nidra (Samadhi Yoga Denver, CO)
  • Adaptive (Samadhi Yoga)
  • Yin (One Yoga Denver, CO)
  • Restorative (Kindness Yoga Denver CO)
  • Aerial Yoga (Level 1, Level 2, Workshops.)
  • Certified Reiki Level 2 Practitioner  
Alethea hosts a monthly Reiki circle in Denver CO, she enjoys holding space for others. Currently, she is attending school for Integrative Health to learn different modalities to fit everyone's needs.
When she is not doing yoga you can find her hanging out with her cat, making healthy meals for her friends or exploring nature. 



Suzanne Amsbaugh Aziz is a Nutritional Educator and a Holistic Chef. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2007, and with this news, she decided to make some big changes in her life. After 27 years of being a Cosmetologist, she decided to eliminate the chemical exposure to her body. Following her battle with Chemo, Suzanne went back to College to follow her passion for Nutrition and Cooking. This decision landed her attending the Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts school of Bauman’s College, located in Berkeley, California.

After graduating in 2009, Suzanne took the knowledge she learned at Bauman College and started her healing journey. Suzanne loves to share with others about how to help them to heal their bodies. She is a positive, creative, and a very social person who enjoys sharing her passion of eating for health. She believes nutrition is one of the main keys to a healthy lifestyle and he or she who eats the most vegetables wins. One of her many goals is to be a healthy and active old lady.     With her career as a Nutritional Educator and a Holistic Chef, Suzanne has worked as:

  • Personal Chef - Educating her clients on the importance of working with Seasonal, Organic, Unrefined, and Local foods, as well as good nutrition and a healthy digestive track.
  • Teacher of Specialty Cooking Classes - Designed menu plans with recipes to aid in weight loss and also to build muscle mass. Helped people to diminish and eliminate inflammation in their body, which aids in combating autoimmune diseases. Created a program to help individuals with cancer before, during, and after treatment. Nutritional health for hormonal changes, healthy food plans for diabetics, etc…
  • Home Health Advisor - Went to client’s homes to clean out pantries, pick out proper pots/pans, and make their kitchen clean & green for optimal health.

Suzanne is willing and open to helping anyone that wants to take their health into their own hands and improve overall well being to enjoy life. Our body is a beautiful creation and it wants to heal and be healthy. We just need the tools and right information for our body to thrive and feel good. Suzanne looks forward to meeting you and helping you make the best investment for your life.